English Version
   書刊名公共電視教育影音公播網 (iVideo教育影音公播網) [電子資源]
   出版項Taiwan : 尚儀數位學習有限公司 2016
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內容簡介PTSVOD database contains over 1300 outstanding PTS educational video programs, covering both knowledgeable and entertaining content. PTSVOD also includes high-quality drama programs with high ratings. PTSVOD database covers four main areas: drama, documentary and environmental education, life and culture, and children and youth. A lot of these videos are the winners of Golden Bell Award. Not only have learning value, PTSVOD also contains high-rating popular videos. For example, PTS Life Stories Drama Series, PTS Innovation Stories Drama Series, Viewpoints Documentary Series, Our Island Documentary Sereis, Buzz Go Go Go Series, Follow Me Series…etc. The videos on PTSVOD website are viewable on all devices (PC, smartphone, tablet) using any operating system (iOS, Android, Windows, etc.). You can select and watch the video content at any time, any place, rather than having to watch at a specific broadcast time! 公視教育影音公播網】內容包含四大類別:戲劇館、紀錄片暨環境教育館、生活與人文館、兒童少年館,知識性與休閒性並重,更是年年金鐘獎的大贏家!內容除了具有學習價值,吸睛度亦不遑多讓!【公視教育影音公播網】收錄近年來熱門的高收視率影片,例如:我的十五分鐘、浩克慢遊、麻醉風暴、一字千金…等等,支援手機及平板電腦播放。




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