English Version
   書刊名Developing intercultural language materials /
   主要著者Mishan, Freda, author.
   其他著者Kiss, Tamas (Associate professor),
   出版項New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2024.;New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, ©2024
   索書號P53.15.M57 2024
   標題Language and languages-Study and teaching.
Teaching-Aids and devices.
Multicultural education.
Langage et langues-E?tude et enseignement.
Mate?riel didactique.
   叢書名Research and resources in language teaching;Research and resources in language teaching.

西文圖書區 Shelf
P53.15 .M57 2024W115597

內容簡介"Developing Intercultural Language Learning Materials puts intercultural competence at the forefront of the learning agenda. It unpicks its underlying theory and provides a framework and practical methodologies for practitioners, providing a toolkit for them to create their own learning materials, and design their own classroom activities to nurture intercultural competence. This innovative book showcases some of the new ways language teachers in practice successfully integrate this essential skill into their curricula. Directions for further research, pulling out recurring threads in the book, such as critical pedagogy and cultural sensibility, offer opportunities for professional development. This research-grounded and action-oriented text is essential reading for language and cultural studies practitioners who want to help their students thrive in today's multicultural world"--



相關借閱1.Representations of the world in language textbooks /
2.Perspectives on language assessment literacy : challenges for improved student learning /
3.Multilingual selves and motivations for learning languages other than English in Asian contexts /
4.Methods in study abroad research : past, present, and future /
5.Language testing and assessment : an advanced resource book /
6.Language teachers studying abroad : identities, emotions and disruptions /
7.Language learning, digital communications and study abroad : identity and belonging in translocal contexts /
8.Language learning in study abroad : the multilingual turn /
9.Curriculum integrated language teaching : CLIL in practice /
10.Applied linguistics and materials development /

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