English Version

分類號 分類號名稱 書目筆數 館藏量(冊/件)
H Social Sciences (社會科學)
H Social sciences (General) 491 491
HA1-4737 Statistics 205 205
HA29-32 Theory and method of social science statistics 176 176
HB1-3840 Economic theory. Demography 2765 2765
HF5001-6182 Business 4458 4458
HF5381-5386 Vocational guidance. Career devlopment 187 187
HF5410-5417.5 Marketing. Distribution of products 1383 1383
HG1-9999 Finance 3686 3686
HG179 Personal finance 107 107
HG201-1496 Money 297 297
HG1501-3550 Banking 510 510
HG4001-4285 Finance management. Business finance. Corporation finance 362 362
HG4501-6051 Investment, capital formation, speculation 1219 1219
HJ9-9940 Public finance 360 360
HM401-1281 Sociology (General) 2443 2443
HM435-477 History of sociology. History of sociological theory 66 66
HM481-554 Theory. Method. Relations to other subjects 134 134
HM621-656 Culture 221 221
HM661-696 Social control 99 99
HM701 Social systems 16 16
HM706 Social structure 13 13
HM711-806 Groups and organizations 474 474
HM811-821 Deviant behavior. Social deviance 52 52
HM826 Social institutions 6 6
HM831-901 Social change 481 481
HM1001-1281 Social psychology 679 679
HN1-995 Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform 1004 1004
K Law (法律 )
K1000-1395 Commercial law 183 183
P Philology and Literature (語言學、文學)
P87-96 Communication. Mass media 759 759
Q Science (科學)
QA75.5-76.95 Electronic computers. Computer science 18944 18944
QA76.75-76.765 Computer software 3729 3729
QA299.6-433 Analysis 4005 4005
T Technology (科技)
T57.6-57.97 Operations research. Systems analysis 489 489
TK5101-6720 Telecommunication 5605 5605

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