English Version

分類號 分類號名稱 書目筆數 館藏量(冊/件)
B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion (哲學、心理學、宗教 )
BL1100-1295 Hinduism 43 43
BL1145-1146 Hindu literature 0 0
BL1216-1225 Hindu pantheon. Deities 7 7
BL2195-2228 Japan 0 0
BQ5725-5845 Folklore 0 0
BS125-198 English 7 7
BS315-355 Non-European languages 0 0
BS315 Asian languages 0 0
G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation (地理學、人類學、娛樂 )
GR Folklore 48 52
P Philology and Literature (語言學、文學)
P Philology. Linguistics 2834 3034
P1-1091 Philology. Linguistics 2832 3032
P95-95.6 Oral communication. Speech 63 70
P99-99.4 Semiotics. Signs and symbols 84 94
P101-410 Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar 1462 1530
P118-118.75 Language acquisition 158 161
P201-299 Comparative grammar 227 243
P302-302.87 Discourse analysis 186 188
P306-310 Translating and interpreting 145 146
P325-325.5 Semantics 53 53
P326-326.5 Lexicology 13 13
P327-327.5 Lexicography 9 11
PE1-3729 English 5444 8294
PL501-889 Japanese language and literature 77 84
PL501-699 Japanese language 56 58
PL700-889 Japanese literature 21 26
PL700-751.5 History and criticism 3 3
PL752-783 Collections 0 0
PL784-866 Individual authors and works 18 23
PL885-889 Local literature 0 0
PL1001-3208 Chinese language and literature 171 197
PL1001-1960 Chinese language 90 98
PL2250-3208 Chinese literature 81 99
PL3301-3311 Non-Chinese languages of China 0 0
PL3551-4001 Tibeto-Burman languages 35 39
PL3561-3801 Tibeto-Himalayan languages 20 23
PL3601-3775 Tibetan 11 13
PN Literature (General) 1447 1508
PN1-6790 Literature (General) 1446 1507
PN(905)-1008 Folk literature 9 14
PN1600-3307 Drama 591 611
PN2000-3307 Dramatic representation. The theater 115 120
PR English literature 1353 1712
PR1-56 Literary history and criticism 14 14
PS American literature 1354 1521
PS1-3576 American literature 1087 1242
PS700-3576 Individual authors 965 1107
PT(881)-(951) Folk literature 5 5

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