English Version

分類號 分類號名稱 書目筆數 館藏量(冊/件)
B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion (哲學、心理學、宗教 )
BD300-450 Ontology 280 280
H Social Sciences (社會科學)
HD Industries. Land use. Labor 11774 11774
HD28-9999 Industries. Land use. Labor 11763 11763
HD28-70 Management. Industrial management 6354 6354
HD45-45.2 Technological innovations. Automation 230 230
HD56-57.5 Industrial productivity 20 20
HD58 Location of industry 683 683
HD58.7-58.95 Organizational behavior, change and effectiveness. Corporate culture 613 613
HD59-59.6 Public relations. Industrial publicity 62 62
HD61 Risk in industry. Risk management 220 220
HD66-66.2 Work groups. Team work in industry. Quality circles 120 120
HD72-88 Economic growth, development, planning 397 397
HD2321-4730.9 Industry 1043 1043
HD2329 Industrialization 7 7
HD2330 Rural industries 1 1
HD2340.8-2346.5 Small and medium-sized businesses, artisans, handicrafts, trades 40 40
HD2350.8-2356 Large industry. Factory system. Big business 7 7
HD2365-2385 Contracting. Letting of contracts 62 62
HD3611-4730.9 Industrial policy. The state and industrial organization 178 178
HD4801-8943 Labor. Work. Working class 1484 1484
HD4861-4895 Labor systems 20 20
HD6958.5-6976 Industrial relations 28 28
HD9720-9975 Manufacturing industries 164 164
HE Transportation and communications 824 824
HE1-9990 Transportation and communications 824 824
HE305-311 Urban transportation 74 74
HE561-971 Shipping 54 54
HE5601-5725 Automotive transportation 37 37
HF5548.7-5548.85 Industrial psychology 102 102
K Law (法律 )
K3921-3925 Manufacturing industries 3 3
K4011-4343 Transportation and communication 45 45
KB3440-3500.7 Transportation and communication 0 0
KBM3440-3504.5 Transportation and communication 0 0
Q Science (科學)
QA1-939 Mathematics 34370 34370
QA101-(145) Elementary mathematics. Arithmetic 88 88
QA150-272.5 Algebra 2612 2612
QA273-280 Probabilities. Mathematical statistics 2200 2200
QA299.6-433 Analysis 4152 4152
T Technology (科技)
T55-55.3 Industrial safety. Industrial accident prevention 85 85
T55.4-60.8 Industrial engineering. Management engineering 1634 1634
T57-57.97 Applied mathematics. Quantitative methods 544 544
T57.6-57.97 Operations research. Systems analysis 504 504
T58.4 Managerial control systems 1 1
T58.5-58.64 Information technology 811 811
T58.6-58.62 Management information systems 263 263
T58.7-58.8 Production capacity. Manufacturing capacity 10 10
T59-59.2 Standardization 1 1
T59.5 Automation 34 34
T59.7-59.77 Human engineering in industry. Man-machine systems 26 26
T60-60.8 Work measurement. Methods engineering 1 1
T175-178 Industrial research. Research and development 27 27
TA166-167 Human engineering 240 240
TA168 Systems engineering 189 189
TA174 Engineering design 210 210
TA177.4-185 Engineering economy 20 20
TA190-194 Management of engineering works 61 61
TA213-215 Engineering machinery, tools, and implements 0 0
TA329-348 Engineering mathematics. Engineering analysis 605 605
TA630-695 Structural engineering (General) 819 819
TA1001-1280 Transportation engineering 89 89
TE206-209.5 Location engineering 0 0
TH1-9745 Building construction 767 767
TH845-895 Architectural engineering. Structural engineering of buildings 128 128
TH900-915 Construction equipment in building 3 3
TH1000-1725 Systems of building construction 91 91
TH2025-3000 Details in building design and construction 22 22
TH3301-3411 Maintenance and repair 19 19
TH4021-4977 Buildings: Construction with reference to use 26 26
TK7885-7895 Computer engineering. Computer hardware 850 850
TS155-194 Production management. Operations management 1376 1376
U Military Science (軍事科學)
U168 Logistics 4 4
V Naval science (海軍學 )
V390-395 Naval research 0 0

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