English Version
   書刊名Insect conservation in Australia [electronic resource] : why and how /
   主要著者New, T. R.
   其他著者SpringerLink (Online service);臺灣學術電子書聯盟 (TAEBC)
   出版項Cham : Imprint: Springer, 2024.
Conservation Biology.
Invertebrate Zoology.
Climate Change Ecology.


內容簡介The fundamental ecological, cultural and economic roles of insects give them central importance in functioning of terrestrial and inland water ecosystems worldwide. Insect declines, from a variety of anthropogenic threats, erode these services and dictate the need for insect conservation, but the consequences of insect losses are poorly recognised. In Australia, insect conservation must proceed from a very uncertain and incomplete knowledge of insect identifications and diversity, and also from a generally poor public appreciation of their central ecological roles and relevance to human welfare and other biota. These impediments occupy much of this book, in which cases of insect conservation across the world are used to provide lessons for Australia, where a combination of large numbers of insect species and small numbers of entomologists and citizen participants necessitates clear appreciation of insect importance, and focussed conservation priorities. Low public sympathy and inadequate scientific information can hinder progress because uncertainty, imprecision and ignorance are difficult to explain to policymakers and funding agencies whose interest and support may be pivotal. Understanding and overcoming those impediments is a vital component of insect conservation. This book is intended as an introduction to the needs, rationale and practice of insect conservation in Australia for students in conservation biology, managers and other concerned people who are not specialists in entomology, to whom the daunting variety and complexity of insect life may deter involvement, and for whom an Appendix aid to recognising insect orders is included. The text is based on conservation needs of Australia's insects and shows how progress necessitates effective communication, clear priorities, and plans for action within a realistic and practical framework of aims and needs for practical conservation. A suggested 'Agenda' for advancing insect conservation in Australia encompasse



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