English Version

分類號 分類號名稱 書目筆數 館藏量(冊/件)
G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation (地理學、人類學、娛樂 )
GV1301-1311 Gambling. Chance and banking games 2 2
H Social Sciences (社會科學)
H Social sciences (General) 488 488
HA Statistics 204 204
HB Economic theory. Demography 2764 2764
HC Economic history and conditions 3685 3685
HD Industries. Land use. Labor 11325 11325
HF Commerce 5468 5468
HF5001-6182 Business 4456 4456
HF5410-5417.5 Marketing. Distribution of products 1383 1383
HG Finance 3681 3681
HJ Public finance 360 360
HM Sociology (General) 2594 2594
HN1-995 Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform 1003 1003
J Political Science (政治學)
JZ International relations 1321 1321
K Law (法律 )
K(520)-5582 Comparative law. International uniform law 1795 1795
K1000-1395 Commercial law 183 183
P Philology and Literature (語言學、文學)
P87-96 Communication. Mass media 759 759
PE English language 941 941
Q Science (科學)
Q Science (General) 5115 5115
QA75.5-76.95 Electronic computers. Computer science 18940 18940
QA76.75-76.765 Computer software 3727 3727
T Technology (科技)
T57.6-57.97 Operations research. Systems analysis 488 488
TK5101-6720 Telecommunication 5605 5605

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