內容簡介 | This programme provides a historical reconstruction of the discovery and nature of liquid crystals. It looks at how; nearly one hundred years after it was first discovered, British chemists have finally found a way to exploit this new state in the electronic display technology industry. The programme also examines how some forms of liquid crystals have existed since life began on Earth and how they are essential to the success of all life forms.
物質有三態:固態、液態和氣態。科學家正研究物質的第四態,這狀態是什麼? 為什麼逾一世紀沒被使用過? 本節目介紹液晶的發現和特徵,以及英國化學家如何將液晶應用於電子顯示技術,並考察液晶對所有生命形式的必要性。英文發音,配上中文字幕。
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