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   書刊名Stomp Live=[破銅爛鐵 2]
   出版項[USA] : Well Go, 2008
   索書號919.9 8762

DVD洽流通櫃台 (Contact the circulation)0總館
919.9 8762 2008DVD8940

內容簡介破銅爛鐵的點石成金術,挑戰視界的新打擊天籟創作者Luke Cresswell和Steve McNicholas二人以十年的演出經驗,構思身體.環境.律動.與聲音的互動關係而成立”STOMP”,以完美結合自然與藝術作為自我定位的表演團體。”STOMP”的獨樹一幟在於返璞歸真,他們取材現代日常用品作為表演媒介,展現聲音特質,創造出節奏豐富金鐵交鳴的迷人樂章,藉以表達對生命的熱情禮讚。該團自1991年於英國首演迄今,已博得世界各地樂迷無數的喝采,並且創下紐約百老匯劇院連演七年票房冠軍的經典史頁,魅力風潮無法抵擋。

Eight performers take the audience on a journey through sound and music, where rhythm is the only language...

STOMP has grown from its beginnings on the streets of Europe into an international sensation, with touring productions all over the world, and long running shows in London, Las Vegas and Broadway. This special performance brings together performers from the West End, New York and Vegas for the very first time, to Stomp's home town and the theatre where many of the routines were originated: Brighton Dome.

Instantly recognizable household objects take on new life as percussive instruments in the hands of each of the Stompers: brooms, cigarette lighters, water bottles, basketballs and more are each explored for their sonic potential. Dance meets rhythm in "Hands and Feet" and Stomp takes to the air in "Suspension", where the entire set becomes a musical instrument. The show climaxes with the "Bins" routine: a ten minute rhythm extravaganza in itself, using trash-cans, oil drums and plastic drums with trash-can lid combat sequences...

Combining physical comedy and athleticism, it's a highly charged performance from an idiosyncratic group who could only come from the world of STOMP.



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