English Version
   書刊名Emotions, language and identity on the margins of Europe [electronic resource] /
   主要著者Giorgi, Kyra.
   其他著者臺灣學術電子書聯盟 (TAEBC);Palgrave connect eBooks
   出版項Basingstoke : [distributor] Not Avail, 2014.
   索書號P325.5.E56G56 2014
   ISBN1137403489 (electronic bk.) :
   標題Emotive (Linguistics)-Europe.
Historical linguistics-Europe.
Language and culture-Europe.
National characteristics.
European history-Portugal-Czech Republic-Turkey.-bicssc
Social & cultural history-Portugal-Czech Republic-Turkey.-bicssc
Online journal 'available contents' page
   叢書名Palgrave studies in the history of emotions


內容簡介When a word describing an emotion is said to be untranslatable, is that emotion untranslatable also? This unique study focuses on three word-concepts on the periphery of Europe, providing a wide-ranging survey of national identity and cultural essentialism, nostalgia, melancholy and fatalism, the production of memory and the politics of hope. Nations usually define themselves in positive terms; they proclaim themselves strong and victorious, or developed and prosperous. But what does it mean when the opposite is true - when negative feelings like regret, nostalgia, melancholy and fatalism are said to be the true essence of a culture? And what does it mean when these feelings are encapsulated in a single, untranslatable word? Bringing together three such word-concepts from Europe's periphery - saudade in Portugal, the Czech litost of Milan Kundera and Orhan Pamuk's huzun of Istanbul - this book investigates claims that they embody the historical experiences and character of a people. In each case, it explores the historical, cultural and psychological mechanisms behind the invention of negative autostereotypes to offer new ways of thinking about individual and collective identities. This eclectic and broad-ranging study is not only a historical survey of emotions, but also a meditation on hope, belonging and the search for authenticity in the modern age.



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