English Version
   書刊名雄獅美術知識庫 [電子資源]
   出版項Taiwan : 聯合百科 2016


內容簡介In late 20th century, “Lionart Monthly” was the most sought-after platform where many artists, critics, and intellectuals were enthusiastic to share their opinions through arts. This leading art magazine not only well documented people’s thought and reactions during and after the period of martial law (1949-1987), but it also had nurtured many art masters and influential figures in the fields of art and humanity in Greater China for 1/4 century.

Due to its unparalleled value, Lionart Digital Archive, the digital database of “Lionart Monthly,” won the visual art funding provided by Taiwan’s Ministry of Culture.Meanwhile, it’s also shortlisted for “Digital Content Product Award” by Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs in 2011. It collects 44 million characters, 30,000 articles/commentaries/albums, 68,000 pictures, 10,000 pages of rare, nostalgic advertisement, and 12,220 vocabulary entries. Most of them are exclusive historical documentaries on art developments in Taiwan.

Lionart Digital Archive contains complete 307 issues of “Lionart Monthly” Magazine, 3 classical bestsellers — “Chinese Art Dictionary,” “Western Art Dictionary” and “Taiwanese Art Yearbook” — which are all integrated in Lionart Digital Archive for additional annotations and relevant supplements, including artists/reviewers/intellectuals’ brief biographies and chronicles.
「雄獅美術月刊」曾是1971-1996年間活躍於臺灣最有影響力的藝術期刊,也是許多海內外藝術人爭相投稿的平臺,記錄四分之一世紀臺灣藝術發展的軌跡,收錄的4,000位藝術家懷舊作品、一萬頁絕版畫廊廣告、藝評藝作及藝術家專輯等,皆為獨家史料。雄獅發刊宗旨是: 「引介西方思潮,發掘本土藝術,為中國美術與民族文藝造像」,既有西方大師級特展,亦能發掘本土新秀、素人藝術家,尤其企劃「台灣前輩美術家」「台灣當代書畫家」等招牌專輯,更是「發人所未發,見人所未見」,不僅為後世保存獨家史料,更是啟發觀念、樹立藝壇典範之創舉,影響深遠,雄獅文教事業體至今仍是台灣藝術出版界的第一品牌。此庫另有專業藝術辭庫加值: 雄獅長銷出版品《中國美術辭典》、《西洋美術辭典》及《臺灣美術年鑑》共12,220則辭條,30,000篇佳文,68,000頁圖檔,搭配雄獅招牌內容,是藝術賞析與藝術教育的最佳參考庫之一。收錄雄獅美術月刊(第1-307期,1971年3月-1996年9月、臺灣美術年鑑、西洋美術辭典、中國美術辭典。



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