English Version
   書刊名Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Sound and Music Technology [electronic resource] : revised selected papers from CMST /
   主要著者edited by Xi Shao, Kun Qian, Xin Wang, Kejun Zhang.
   其他著者Shao, Xi.;Qian, Kun. ;Wang, Xin. ;Zhang, Kejun.
   出版項Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2023.
   標題Acoustical engineering-Congresses.
Music-Acoustics and physics-Congresses.
Speech and Audio Processing.
Engineering Acoustics.
Mathematics in Music.
Theory of Music.
   叢書名Lecture notes in electrical engineering,v. 9231876-1119 ;;Lecture notes in electrical engineering ;v. 923.1876-1119 ;


內容簡介The book presents selected papers at the 9th Conference on Sound and Music Technology (CSMT) held virtually in June 2022, organized by Zhejiang University, China. CSMT is a multidisciplinary conference focusing on audio processing and understanding with bias on music and acoustic signals. The primary aim of the conference is to promote the collaboration between art society and technical society in China. In this book, the paper included covers a wide range topic from speech, signal processing, music understanding, machine learning, and signal processing for advanced medical diagnosis and treatment applications, which demonstrates the target of CSMT merging arts and science research together. Its content caters to scholars, researchers, engineers, artists, and education practitioners not only from academia but also industry, who are interested in audio/acoustics analysis signal processing, music, sound, and artificial intelligence (AI)



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